Buy Esbriet (Pirfenidone) from Maple Leaf Medications.

We don't sell this brand-version medication.

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Buy Pirfenidone Buy Pirfenidone

Prescription Prescription Required
Formulation : Tablet
Drug Name Dosage Quantity Price Buy Now
Pirfenidone 200mg 30 $52.00 Add To Cart
Pirfenidone 200mg 90 $116.00 Add To Cart
Pirfenidone 200mg 100 $150.00 Add To Cart
Pirfenidone 200mg 180 $218.00 Add To Cart
Pirfenidone 267mg 84 $280.00 Add To Cart
Pirfenidone 801mg 100 $135.00 Add To Cart
Pirfenidone 801mg 300 $374.00 Add To Cart
Dosage: 200mg
Quantity: 30
Price: $52.00
Dosage: 200mg
Quantity: 90
Price: $116.00
Dosage: 200mg
Quantity: 100
Price: $150.00
Dosage: 200mg
Quantity: 180
Price: $218.00
Dosage: 267mg
Quantity: 84
Price: $280.00
Dosage: 801mg
Quantity: 100
Price: $135.00
Dosage: 801mg
Quantity: 300
Price: $374.00

Esbriet is used to treat Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF), a chronic lung condition in which scarring (fibrosis) occurs throughout the lungs. The cause of IPF is commonly not known, as idiopathic refers to diseases or conditions that often develop spontaneously without a clear reason.

Esbriet Mechanism of Action

The mechanism of action is not fully known for this medication; however, it’s believed to act on the neurological pathways that create fibroblasts, which are cells that form connective tissues in the body. Fibroblasts are also part of the immune system, as they are the cells responsible for inflaming tissue in response to injuries or infections. Chronic diseases such as IPF often occur when there is inflammation present in the body for no apparent reason.

Experts believe that this medication causes the body to produce fewer fibroblasts, which in turn inhibits inflammation and reduces abnormal cell growth. As there is no known cure for IPF, it may be necessary to continue using this medication or another medication indefinitely to keep symptoms down.

Esbriet Side Effects

The side effects of this medication can range from common to very rare. Typically, common side effects are mild to moderate. For these effects, call your doctor only if they manifest in a severe manner or if they persist.

Common Side Effects:

  • Light sensitivity (sunburns, rashes, sensitive skin, blistering)
  • Diarrhea
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness (talk to your doctor if you feel dizzy from this medication)

Some effects of this drug require immediate discontinuance of drug use and medical intervention. If you experience the following side effects, seek help from healthcare professionals right away:

  • Liver problems: jaundice (yellowing of skin or eyes), stomach pain, darkened urine, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite
  • Angioedema (allergic reaction): Rash, hives, swelling of the face or throat, wheezing, difficulty breathing or swallowing
  • Angina: Chest pain, slow, fast, or irregular heartbeat.


The recommended dose for this medication is 2400 mg per day. 200 mg tablets are taken 12 times a day to achieve this dosing target. You may take 4 tablets at a time with a meal at the same time of each day.

The dose usually begins with four 200 mg tablets taken per day and is titrated (increased gradually) over a period of three weeks until the target dose is reached or until there is an adverse response to the drug. Titration allows for the monitoring of side effects and the reduction of health complications following the use of this drug.

Remember that not all prescriptions are the same. Esbriet doses may be adjusted depending on the reaction to the drug, or other factors. Always follow your doctor’s recommendations for dosing and don’t take more medicine than they have prescribed you.

Esbriet 267 mg tablets are not currently offered on this website. If your doctor has given you a dosage that is accommodated for 267 mg tablets, you can still order Esbriet from Maple Leaf Meds, as we will receive approval and a dose adjustment from your doctor.

Ofev vs Esbriet

Ofev (nintedanib) is a very similar medication to Esbriet. They are both used to treat IPF, although Ofev has other indications as well. The initial tolerability of treatment is typically better with Ofev, meaning that it may be better used as a first-line treatment. Clinical trials have indicated, however, that the side effects of Ofev may be more severe in the long term, and there are many who switch to Esbriet due to the intolerability of the side effects. Talk to your doctor about which medication is right for you.

Esbriet Cost

Esbriet is available in generic form by the name Pirfenidone. Pirfenidone is the active ingredient in Esbriet, and the generic and brand options of this drug have similar functions and side effects. For a more affordable option, Esbriet generic is less expensive and has the same benefits as the brand version.

Scientific Name:





200mg, 267mg, 801mg

Quantities Available:

30, 84, 90, 100, 180, 300

Maple Leaf Medications has provided information from third parties intended to increase awareness and does not contain all the information about Esbriet (Pirfenidone). Talk to your doctor or a qualified medical practitioner for medical attention, advice, or if you have any concerns about Esbriet (Pirfenidone).