Healthy Coping Mechanisms to Deal With Stress Due to COVID-19

Healthy Coping Mechanisms to Deal With Stress Due to COVID-19

Did you know that during late June of the global pandemic, 40% of adults reported struggling with mental health or substance use? Symptoms of anxiety and depression increased in the U.S. during April-June 2020 when the country was on lockdown.

Stress during this time is prevalent, and know you are not alone.

Keep reading, and we will walk you through healthy coping mechanisms to deal with stress due to COVID-19.

Find What Works Best for You

Amid this mental health crisis, you need to find ways that work best for you to cope with stress. Everyone is different and manages their stress and emotions in their way.

The way you cope with anxiety could be completely different from your friend or family member. Make sure to not compare yourself to others because this is a personal decision.

We will go through some healthy coping mechanisms that you can incorporate into your daily routine. Coping can help promote healthy habits that you may carry on even if you aren’t feeling stressed.

COVID-19, depression, stress, and anxiety can feel overpowering and like they’re taking over your body. Sometimes, you may just need a few minutes to take a breather and regroup before going on with your day.

Shake It Out

Working from home, helping your kids with virtual learning, taking care of pets, the list feels endless. Exercise is a great stress reliever and can help boost your mood.

You don’t need to do a hardcore workout to feel the benefits; you can go for a walk outside for 15 minutes, have a dance party with your kids, or do jumping jacks between meetings.

You will feel your mood-lifting, your body loosening up, and stress leaving your body. Find an exercise that fits into your schedule and listen to your body.

You can choose from so many different exercises and build your strength in the process of relieving stress.


Meditating and in-depth breathing help with managing stress. Meditation gives you a few moments or minutes to think about nothing and focus on your breathing.

You can make it part of your routine and meditate when you wake up and go to bed. That way, you are starting and ending the day on a positive note.

There are guided meditations that focus specifically on anxiety and stress. You are lifted out of your desk or bed and are entirely focused on you.

You can also simply practice deep breathing exercises. If you’re feeling upset after an intense call, focus solely on taking deep breaths for 60 seconds.

You will calm your mind and body from racing and put yourself at ease.

Healthy Eating and Sleep

Taking care of your body will also help lift your mood and make you feel better. You can follow these quick eating tips to help create healthy habits:

  1. Avoid trans fats and incorporate healthy fats into your diets, such as olive oil, nuts, seeds, fish, and avocados.
  2. Decrease your salt intake.
  3. Increase fiber (fruits, vegetables, whole grains) to help keep your blood sugar and cholesterol under control.
  4. Brighten up your plate with greens, red, yellow, and green peppers or tomatoes for your intake of vitamins, fiber, and minerals.

Healthy eating will make you feel better and less sluggish and tired. Sleep is another key to coping with stress.

Setting a sleep routine and getting at least 8 hours a night will have you feeling refreshed and ready to greet the day in lifted spirits. A few sleep routine tips include:

  1. Set a bedtime and be consistent.
  2. Create a bedtime routine that can include brushing your teeth, washing your face, and leaving some time for meditation before bed.
  3. Make your room a sanctuary with comfortable blankets, pillows, and dark when you go to bed.
  4. Try to stay off your phone, laptop, and other electronics before you go to bed.

Both healthy eating and sleep not only help cope with stress during COVID-19 but can help create healthy habits.

Go Outside

Stepping outside and soaking up some vitamin D can help elevate your levels of serotonin. You can feel the sun or just get a breath of fresh air and immerse yourself in nature, even just for a five-minute walk around your neighborhood.

Escaping your workspace or even just being inside your apartment or house will give you a change of scenery. This can help reset your emotions.

If you have meetings where you don’t have to be on camera or take notes, put in headphones and walk around the block while on a call.

Make time for yourself to be away from the noise. You can even use the time to walk to the grocery store or run a quick errand; it will help get out even just for a few minutes.

Support System

Friends, family, professional help, or all of the above. You need to create a healthy support system.

Talking about what you’re going through is therapeutic and helps release the negative energy, sad thoughts, or anything you’re feeling that’s bringing you down.

Seeking professional help, such as a therapist, psychiatrist, or psychologist, can also be helpful and necessary if you need it. They may prescribe medication or schedule weekly appointments.

Maple Leaf Meds will take orders from your medical provider and gives affordable medications with excellent customer service.

Your support system will be your rock, and there are hotlines that you can call. You are never alone.

Find Your Healthy Coping Mechanisms

Stress, anxiety, and depression have all increased worldwide during COVID-19. You can explore different healthy coping mechanisms until you find the one that best fits you.

You can manage your stress and build healthy lifestyle habits at the same time. The most crucial part is making sure you have a support system and feel like there is always someone you can call to vent or talk through your feelings.

Maple Leaf Meds is here to help with your medication needs. We aim to provide the best price for the medicine you need. Contact us today with any questions or concerns.