Managing Pain When Fighting Multiple Myeloma

Managing Pain When Fighting Multiple Myeloma

What is multiple myeloma –

Multiple Myeloma is a condition where the development of abnormal blood cells inside the bone marrow causes blood cells in plasma to function improperly. This cancerous condition can prove to be very painful because the buildup of cancerous cells causes pressure on bones, muscles, and tissues in the human body. It is important that pain prevention techniques are discussed with a medical professional when treating this disease because of the multiple myeloma stages.

Symptoms of multiple myeloma include Nausea and vomiting, confusion, fatigue, increased or decreased urination and many more. If you believe you do have multiple myeloma Multiple myeloma treatment – There are many options to explore when treating pain, beginning with over-the-counter medications such as acetaminophen, aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen. These preliminary drugs usually help moderate pain. To treat more severe pain, opioids are an available option. These can only be received with a doctor’s prescription and should be taken with careful attention to the given directions. Opioids are generally stronger pain relievers and medical consultation is required before they can be prescribed.

Another factor that requires pain relief medication in cases of multiple myeloma is nerve pain, called neuropathy. This can be done with the use of antidepressants and antiepileptic medications. The use of antidepressants in cases of multiple myeloma is necessary because these medications function quite well in creating a balance of neurotransmitters which allows the patient to feel relieved. Medications such as anticonvulsants also treat severe nerve pain.

In summary, it is important that all pain relief options are explored and considered multiple myeloma treatment, if you have signs and symptoms of multiple myeloma, with the help of a medical professional. Pain relief often eases the patient’s state of fatigue when combatting conditions such as multiple myeloma.


“Multiple Myeloma: How to Handle Pain” WebMD. Retrieved from:

“Diseases and Conditions: Multiple Myeloma” Mayo Clinic. Retrieved from: